A normal June 23 day for this part of the country. Yes it's warm and it always is. Earyl it's a beautiful day. Folks were coming in on time. There's lots of talk about this week because it's my last week before retiring as Pastor. My daughter's and I have worked on a celebration service for next Sunday. But this Sunday things are running smooth. Sunday School lesson from Hebrews 6 and Jerry doing a great job as usual. I found the lesson to be a great one on motivation to serve the Lord. Shaking hands with folks is always a joy for me and today was not different. I asked a little girl if she had a Bible and she said no. So in the service I was able to give her one. Choir was super as usual. Janice asked me to sing "Jesus and Me" and I enjoyed it. Then asked our incoming Pastor Bro. Jason Hutsell to come and preach. He used Malachi 3:6 as his scripture and preached on "The Unchanging God" and it was a good message.
Sunday Night was very warm but our air conditioning is good. This was a special service for a couple of reasons. First we have a special guest Rick Strickland singing for us. 2nd it is our quarterly Birthday and Anniversary fellowship following the service. Sandwiches with chips etc. was the food. The church supplied the cake and ice cream for dessert. We had good attendance in that it matched this mornings attendance. Rick Strickland is singing solo since the death of Bob Jones of the Songfellows. He always does a great job and folks were good to him. I'll just say the fellowship was great. Chicken salad, bologna, bologna with cheese, bologna salad, fried bologna, Tennessee Cavier, chips and dip and vegetable tray and much more. I'm guessing 60-70 stayed for the fellowship. It was a good day in the house of the Lord for His people.